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07 May 2016

Access NKO from Home and Other CAC Enabled Sites.

Need to access NKO from home?  Here are the steps to seup your home PC for CAC enabled sites.
Step 1: Get CAC reader and plug it into your computer.
Step 2: Install drivers for your reader.  you can find most USB reader drivers from here 
Step 3: Download and install "InstallRoot 4.1".  Click Here to download the program, open the zip file and install the MSI file.  just select the defaults when installing.
Step 4: Open the InstallRoot Program.  It may open automatically after the install if not open from the start menu.  When opened select the "Install Certificates" in the popup select okay and the certificates should install.

Now when you try to login to NKO or BOL you should get a pop-up.  Insert your CAC and select appropriate cert (usually the email one) and that is it.

The instructions were simplified from

If you have questions put it in the comments below. 

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